Who we are

Parents passionate about our childrens’ nature-based education looking to support Turn Back Time teachers and events.

Next Meeting

Wednesday March 12th @ 4:15

Join us on the 2nd Wednesday of every month in the community yurt.

Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

Monday March 10th

Sign up here to contribute a breakfast item

Family Picnic

Thursday March 27th


Service Day (Adults Only)

Friday April 11th 9-1

Come to learn about the PTO and get the gardens ready with Miss Beth

April Mini Camps 10am-1pm (Ages 4-7)

New camp alert! 10am-1pm (Ages 8-11)

Farmer in Training Camp with Miss. Amy & Miss. Beth

Family Farm Time

Fridays in May 10-11:30am

Click Here To Register

Annual Farm Service Day (All Welcome)

Saturday May 3rd 9-Noon

Click Here To Register

Picture Day

Thursday May 8th

Psst…Did you know that a % of proceeds are returned to TBT?

Check out

Teacher Wish List

Glamping at TBT

Looking for a budget-friendly staycation option? Look no further than the cabins at TBT and enjoy full access to the farm! Cabins are available May-October.